var website = ""; var findOriging = window.location.origin.toString(); var url1 = website; var url2 = findOriging; function getMainDomain(hostname) { // Split the hostname by dots let parts = hostname.split('.'); // If there are only two parts, it's already the main domain (e.g., // If there are more than two parts, remove the first part (subdomain) if (parts.length > 2) { parts.shift(); } // Join the remaining parts back together return parts.join('.'); } function areSameDomain(url1, url2) { try { // Create URL objects let parsedUrl1 = new URL(url1); let parsedUrl2 = new URL(url2); // Get the main domains let mainDomain1 = getMainDomain(parsedUrl1.hostname); let mainDomain2 = getMainDomain(parsedUrl2.hostname); // Compare the main domains return mainDomain1 === mainDomain2; } catch (error) { console.error('Invalid URL:', error); return false; } } //if (areSameDomain(url1, url2)) { //console.log('The URLs have the same main domain.'); //} else { // throw new Error("Stopping script execution because origin matches " + mywebsite); //} window.__lc = window.__lc || {}; window.__lc.license = 15713535; window.__lc.chat_between_groups = false; = 498; (function (n, t, c) { function i(n) { return e._h ? e._h.apply(null, n) : e._q.push(n); } var e = { _q: [], _h: null, _v: "2.0", on: function () { i(["on",]); }, once: function () { i(["once",]); }, off: function () { i(["off",]); }, get: function () { if (!e._h) throw new Error("[LiveChatWidget] You can't use getters before load."); return i(["get",]); }, call: function () { i(["call",]); }, init: function () { var n = t.createElement("script"); (n.async = !0), (n.type = "text/javascript"), (n.src = ""), t.head.appendChild(n); }, }; !n.__lc.asyncInit && e.init(), (n.LiveChatWidget = n.LiveChatWidget || e); })(window, document, [].slice);"set_session_variables", { source: window.location.href, agent: navigator.userAgent, }); var textColor ='black'; (function () { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { 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